No, the SA-UK Trust Network is not a donor. It is a network for UK-based people who care about development in southern Africa.
No, the SA-UK Trust Network does not undertake fundraising on behalf of its members.
Yes, we would be happy to promote the events of our paid-up members. We regret that we do not do this for those who have not paid the nominal £50 annual fee.
No, we regret that we do not make our membership list available as this would be contrary to GDPR regulations. Paid-up members’ details are on the website.
Yes, we invite at least one paid-up member (and often two or three) to do so at each event. Please note, paid-up members who have presented in the past may only do so should no other paid up member request to present.
We discourage for-profit companies from benefiting from our membership. However, the trustees will assess each such request and, if we deem your business to be substantially in the interests of our members, we will invite you to present at one of our gatherings. Companies that host (provide a venue and cover all catering costs) a gathering for our members, may certainly talk to our membership about their services.